About Me

Hi! My name is Marcelo Morales

I’m a college student currently located in the beautiful but small Hackettstown, New Jersey. I was born in Lima, Peru, and moved to NJ when I was six years old. I’ve been studying Computer Science and Applied Mathematics and Statistics at Johns Hopkins University since 2019. I am expected to graduate with a Bachelor of Science in May 2023.

Although I wish I could say I had an interest with computers and programming at an early age, to be honest, that was not the case for me. My first interest was biology, since living right next to a forest in my family home in NJ, I would always go on hikes and be excited by the different forms of life right at my doorstep. Biology was always on my radar, but a greater passion incited inside of me when I took an intro to CS class at Johns Hopkins University. I loved solving probelms in a variety of business, scientific and social contexts, so I followed my interest and enrolled in more CS clases next semester.

And… here I am. I am bracing myself for (virtual) school, but I will make the best of it.

I love what I learn and I’m privileged to have the opportunity to work with and learn from some really amazing people in academia and industry in internships and extracuriclar activities at JHU. I’m always looking for opportunities to further develop my skills, and positively impact those around me with meaningful work.

You can find me online on Twitter, LinkedIn, or through email. When I’m not coding, I’m probably traveling, listening to music, eating brunch, drawing, and/or playing video games (not necessarily but possibly at the same time).